Friday, July 3, 2009

My Own Room!

One fact of my life is that I have never had a room of my own. I shared a room with my sister for all my life and then got to college and had to share a room with three other girls. This summer I decided to room again with one of my former roommates. She was only here for the first half of summer so she left yesterday. Now not only do I have my own room for the first time in my life but I also get to have a double as a single. Finally I can unbox my stuff and stop living like a squatter!

By the way, today has been the longest day ever. I've been up since 4am! I don't know what to do with myself since classes are done and I don't have work till Monday. I walked to Whole Foods in the morning (even though I have a month's supply of food in my room) and bought so much fruit and other such yummy-ness that I was $3 away from getting an overdraft fee. I need to stop spending all my money on food and appliances. I rearranged things in the room to make it look less cramped and I have 1.5 three shelf bookselves filled with food (and more in 2 fridges). I admit, I have a problem. At least I'm past denial...

I've been really lazy about cooking this week. It had such an intense beginning with three finals and all. I cooked today but it was such a simple dish it shouldn't even count as cooking. I made sauteed broccoli. Took 30 seconds to prep because I chopped the the onion and pepper with my Magic Bullet and the broccoli was bought precut. All that was left to do was stir it in the pan for 5-10 minutes and salt to taste.

Sorry for the ugly presentation of the dish. And I wish I had an SLR. I should be eating Ramen and saving my money for that.

Song of the moment: Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

crap i though that was going through as anon! :(

love you!